Monday, December 26, 2011

WIDE 50 LH Ovulation Predictor Kit Test Strips from Wondfo

We Are Delighted to At long last Offer You Our company's Hottest WIDE 50 LH Ovulation Predictor Kit Test Strips

The entire world always appears to be expecting that certain special product to arrive along that's going to modify the approach we take to achieve some things forever. The thing is that so many of these have come around and failed to live up to the build up. This merely leads to discouragement should you have paid out hard earned money for a WIDE 50 LH Ovulation Predictor Kit Test Strips then recognizing that the product isn't greater than the one that came before.

WIDE 50 LH Ovulation Predictor Kit Test Strips

This is the reason manufacturer is very excited to present to you Our company's most up-to-date WIDE 50 LH Ovulation Predictor Kit Test Strips. After many years of taking note of just what our consumers have had to say about the products presently in the marketplace, our company of makers began. Their goal ended up being to entirely recreate this product from the very beginning and then make it into one that might more than surpass the build up, which for many people is half of the primary reason they are buying something new.

Once we concluded building the standard WIDE 50 LH Ovulation Predictor Kit Test Strips, we then set about turning it into one that would give a person authentic value for your money. The reasoning being that although most of the people do not mind paying for a decent basic product, we know that you'll love any additional variations our makers have put into help make our product to stand out from the rest and make it worthy of obtaining. While we recognize we could demand additional for it, we've chosen to provide it to you at this extremely cheap price.

Click here to read our WIDE 50 LH Ovulation Predictor Kit Test Strips full review & best price

WIDE 50 LH Ovulation Predictor Kit Test Strips
Customer Rating : View Customer Ratings

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Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The LH (Luteinizing Hormone) which is in the urine of normal women will increase dramatically in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The LH increase triggers ovulation which is when the egg is released periodically from Normal fertile women. WHO experts state that LH testing is a reliable way to detect ovulation. Ovulation will occur after 24-48 hours following a positive test. One Step Ovulation Urine Test is a qualitative test used to predict when there is a LH surge


  • # Wide 3.5mm width for easier result interpretation, 40% wider than budget strips (2.5mm). Authentic Wondfo Logo test strips.
  • Quick and easy results in 5 minutes by simply dipping into urine sample for 3~5 seconds.
  • Sensitive enough to detect as low as 25mIU/ml with accuracy greater then 99%
  • Each test strip is individually sealed in a foil pouch;
  • Expiration Date: 20+ months later

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've been using OVULATION PREDICTOR for a long time and I still get butterflies when that little smiley shows his face. :) I got one from the internet by searching on Google HOME CEHCK OVULATION TEST KIT it was great!

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